quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2025

Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah - Slippin' Away 1977

This trio was originally composed of bassist Mitch Aliotta, drummer Ted Aliotta, and guitarist Skip Haynes. Ted left after their debut album to be replaced by pianist John Jeremiah. They scored a popular regional hit in the Chicago, Illinois area in 1971 with the single and album "Lake Shore Drive," a homage to the famed lakefront highway in Chicago and (some believe) also to LSD, a hallucinogen.

"Lake Shore Drive", the album, was re-released on compact disc in 1996 for its 25th anniversary on a 2-CD set, along with some of their other songs. The single 1992 Quicksilver "Lake Shore Drive" CD is missing 2 of the songs from the Original 1971 Big Foot release: "Leaving Chicago" & "Long Time Gone" - aka "Long Time Coming".]
The initials "LSD" are occasionally used in Chicago vernacular to refer to the highway (although it is sometimes referred to as the Outer Drive to distinguish it from Inner Lake Shore Drive, which extends from Ohio St. to Hollywood Av.). Outside of the Chicago area, the initials are known only as the name of the drug. Skip Haynes claims LSD had no drug references whatsoever, unlike "The Snow Queen," which references the up- and downsides of cocaine usage.
The band appeared in a 1978 made-for-TV movie, "Sparrow," playing a rock band whose lead singer is electrocuted while performing onstage. Keyboardist John Jeremiah died December 5, 2011, in Chester, Illinois. Mitchell A Aliotta, of Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah and Rotary Connection, died on July 21, 2015, aged 71. 

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