Wild Man Fischer - Wildmania 1977
This is the second collection from Larry Fischer (aka Wild Man Fischer), and was released a decade after he had initially made a name for himself with the decidedly demented Frank Zappa-produced An Evening With Wild Man Fischer in 1968. Similarly notable is that 1978's Wildmania would be the first long-player from Rhino Records, which was still just a Los Angeles retail record shop at the time. WhileFischer possesses an undeniable talent for simply being himself, the very nature of capturing his essence is cause for some degree of celebration in and of itself. To be clear, Fischer is less of a traditional musician than a counterculture phenom. Denizens of L.A. in the late '60s and '70s could find him in local hot spots such as laundromats, convenience stores, and especially Dodger Stadium. In fact, that is the locale used in the introductions to "My Name Is Larry," "Who's Your Favorite Singer," "Go to Rhino Records," "Disco in Frisco," the terminally entertaining "Wild Man Fischer Impersonation Contest," and the audience poll "What Do You Think of Larry?" The shorter works "I Light the Pilot," "I'm a Truck," and "Josephine" bear some of the edgy Dadaist qualities of Don Van Vliet's Captain Beefheart persona. The reinventions of Otis Blackwell's "Handy Man" and the popular music standard "Young at Heart" retain a charm and innocence defying apt description. A quarter-century after being unleashed onto an unsuspecting public, Collectors' Choice Music reissued Wildmania onto CD -- although it was one of the components in the limited-edition Fischer King box set released in 1999. AMG.listen hereBuy @ Amazon:
2 comentários:
this´s a wonderful find...i love Larry...thank you...
Thanks your visit and comment, enjoy!
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