domingo, 11 de março de 2012

RE-POST: Big John Patton - Accent on the Blues 1970

Most John Patton albums are hard-driving, edgy soul-jazz and funk, and the title of Accent on the Blues makes the record seem like it would be no different than his other sessions. Of course, that isn't the case. Accent on the Blues is among the most atmospheric music Patton has ever made. While it stops short of being free, it's hardly funky soul-jazz, and that may disappoint some fans of his rip-roaring style. Nevertheless, the album is a rewarding listen, primarliy because it displays a more reflective side of his talent, demonstrating that he can hold his own among the likes of guitarist James Blood Ulmer and saxophonist Marvin Cabell. AMG.

listen here

3 comentários:

Oro disse...

I just became a member of your great blog. I also look towards new members so check out my blog:

Best regards,

mf76 disse...

I had absolutely no problem downloading this from Rapidshare, Slidewell. I'm in USA so maybe that's causing a difference? As far as download time...really it's less time and effort than say, going to a store that specializes in rare and OOP records and buying it, no? I'm happy and greatful for whatever way Carlos is able to post these links.

Thanks again Carlos for this re-up!!

Carlos disse...

Hi Mauro, thanks for your comment! enjoy!